This program was made in accordance with order of the CrewingTop Company. The main requirement of the client was not so big size. The program is developed using Delphi 5 Enterprise Edition due to that the subsequent versions give bigger exe-file size.
Stimulus for writing.
The main stimulus for writing was money. I don′t like to tell about this work payment. For somebody it looks like a great amount, for others it is simply ridiculous. What are the aims that client set for me? CrewingTop Company has a website. There is a form with a great amount of fields. Purpose of this form is to send information to a lot of organizations. Of course, this information before sending to be checked that exclude keeping information on server. In result of a form handler script work text file is created that is archived and sent to company e-mail. There this text file is unpacked, converted by my program into Excel format, checked by company personal and if all is OK then sent in accordance with agreement to interested party.
How it was done?
Right away I′ll say that the program is based on INI library. It was done in order to do not use additional libraries and do not expand size of the program. At first for this purpose website form was rebuilt to get result letter in INI-file format. Field names was made digital with counting from left to right and from top to bottom of the form. In result of script work become file with following strings: 1=…, 2=… and so on that is usual INI file. The first string of the file is [Application] i.e. section name that is requirement of INI file. File extension is TXT.
The program is developed without installer to reduce once more distributive size. It′s necessary to create folder and copy program there. When program is started it checks if essential files are available and if it′s necessary create them from resources which are compiled with program as usual. They are file of Excel template and also file of strings and columns correspondence for this template. Correspondence files are also made as INI files. Also INI file for program parameters is created to keep folder name which program last time accessed. One limitation exists. The program is not work with root folder.
After program is started it′s necessary to select folder where are files for converting. In result the program opens one by one all files with TXT extensions, converts them into Excel format and after that all text files are destroyed. All files with the same extension will be destroyed and if this file has no required fields then in result we′ll get empty templates only. All of this is done in order to get a file in any case if not all fields are filled that is as usual not compulsory. Converting is producing by com-object creating in accordance with usual technology. Resulting files have digital names which are given for them in accordance with files existing in this folder. Unfortunately this program is only in Russian but I think than all is quite clear.
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